Thursday, September 18, 2008


i love my job.

no matter how hair-rasing my day is going, i can come to work and laugh it off with my kids. they have such light and energy--it's contagious.

the weather has been exquisite here; 70's, light cool breeze, half overcast, half sun. it's been like this all week. needless to say, i have taken my kids outside everyday. yesturday we all layed in the grass--played that game where you look at the clouds and make pictures from them--for about 30 minutes. i don't think i ever felt more free than in that moment with them. the weather was perfect, the wind was blowing, we were laying in the grass, and looking at the sky. i had been having an awful day, infact awful couple of weeks, but for that thirty minutes i forgot about all of that. i listened to the laughter that filled the air, and saw the little fingers pointing to the sky as their imaginations went uncultivated. it was such a warm feeling that brought back the infant spirit in me that i have been longing for.

--i love kids. i have been hiding behind a smile lately, but a simple game of clouds with my kids, made my smile genuine.

sometimes, you just need to be still. and laugh. and take in all that nature has to offer.

"be still, and know that i am God;"

-psalm 46:10

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

I love that. you are such a great writer....seriously.